Unveiling Key Facts and Figures about the European Parliament
The European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) has released a comprehensive briefing titled “European Parliament: Facts and Figures”. This document provides a detailed overview of the European Parliament, including its members, structures, activities. It also offers information on the 2024 election. The briefing is packed with insightful graphics and data, offering a snapshot of the Parliament’s…
Strangford Integrated College Infopoint
Students created a European Union Infopoint, with upcoming events and list of Junior Ambassadors.We used the ‘goodies’ sent out from European Parliament.
Prestwick Academy infopoint
We had a training for our Junior Ambassadors during our lunchtime club (I used the presentation about EP from my online training). One of the Junior Ambassadors, Lauchlan McLean, created a presentation post training which is used for display in Modern Language corridor and was put on big displays around the school. Well done!! Here…