What is the AmbAssador Schools Programme?

An annual programme of accreditation open to all secondary schools and colleges in the UK and the EU.

It enables students to learn more about European parliamentary democracy, organise and take part in practical activities related to the EU, and engage with their community and Members of the European Parliament.

It is free for your school or college to take part in this programme.

WhY Should You Sign Up?

It is free for your school or college to take part in this programme.

discuss how it would work in your school or college

“It was really empowering to show people the various ways that you can be involved in influencing political decisions, rather than a default onto protesting and political activism, showing that political discourse can be influenced through a nuanced debate on science policy as much as through a placard.”

— Charlotte Richer, Senior Ambassador,
The Cherwell School

“We had a lot of independence to research and I found out a lot. I feel like it’s really going to help me to understand the EU and the European Parliament.
Being part of the EPAS programme was really helpful to broaden my knowledge of how politics works in different countries and the EU; just a really fun scheme and I really, really enjoyed it.”

— Gabi, Junior Ambassador,
Channing School

“The big benefit of [the Ambassador Schools programme] was the way the students approached it. I could stand off and leave them to it. I think that’s the excellent part: they came up with some incredible ideas, when you give them the framework of the tasks they need to complete.”

— Reece Nelson, Senior Ambassador
USP College


  • Black History Month MFL Activities

    Black History Month MFL Activities

    During Black History Month, our pupils are learning about notable Black figures from French- and Spanish-speaking countries in their Languages lessons, allowing them to practise their language skills, discover new personalities and enrich their cultural knowledge. Where possible, this was delivered in the target language with scaffolding put in place to support comprehension. These activities…


  • Debating activities

    Debating activities

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  • Celebration of 2023-24 Ambassadors

    Celebration of 2023-24 Ambassadors

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