French Quiz
This activity is an example of how a pupil with a moderate learning difficulty who usually attends a special school can be involved in the Ambassador Schools programme. We had been learning colours in French and then the pupil took on the role of junior ambassador to create a quiz designed to engage and teach…
Black History Month MFL Activities
During Black History Month, our pupils are learning about notable Black figures from French- and Spanish-speaking countries in their Languages lessons, allowing them to practise their language skills, discover new personalities and enrich their cultural knowledge. Where possible, this was delivered in the target language with scaffolding put in place to support comprehension. These activities…
European Day of Languages
During the week of European Day of Languages Manchester Hospital School got the whole school from EYFS to post-16 involved in language learning through a mixture of assemblies, encouraging pupils to complete the British Council Great Languages Challenge and teaching pupils how to count to five in a range of European and non-European languages. Each…
Student-led Europe Day assembly
Pupils at Manchester Hospital School’s Galaxy House Tier 4 CAMHS unit used their European Parliament Ambassador Schools Preparation for Adulthood time to collaboratively design an assembly to be delivered to mark Europe Day. The assembly shared various aspects of culture from different EU countries and was rounded off with a quiz. It was delivered virtually…
European Biscuit Decorating
Over the course of Spring 2, one team of Junior Ambassadors planned and delivered a biscuits decorating event, demonstrating teamwork, communication and leadership. They shopped for and made their own different coloured icing, researched European flags and then offered their peers the opportunity to decorate them with different European flags.
European infopoint
Junior Ambassadors from Manchester Hospital School worked collaboratively to create the infopoint as part of our Preparation for Adulthood curriculum. They decided what they wanted to have on the infopoint, where it was going to be and then worked together to create the resources.
European Christmas Traditions
On our last day of term, pupils at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital learnt about weird and wonderful Christmas traditions from across Europe, including Kukeri, Jólakötturinn, los Reyes Magos and Krampus.
Learning French Christmas songs
In her last French lesson of 2023, Devon learnt and performed a French Christmas song to share on Twitter.
Spanish puppet shows
In Manchester Hospital School’s last Spanish lesson of 2023, Leo Kelly KS3 pupils wrote scripts, performed and filmed short puppet shows demonstrating the language they learnt during the Autumn term.
Remembrance Day Activities
To mark Remembrance Day, pupils from all of Manchester Hospital School’s sites from ages 4-18 made tissue paper poppies. Secondary pupils also watched the National Literacy Trust Remembrance Live assembly and learnt about the history of the day. They also considered different ways of remembering, including how the end of WW1 and WW2 are marked…