Wellington School
First Scottish Ambassador School
Wellington School are the first school in Scotland to become a European Parliament Ambassador School. We were delighted to receive our certificates and plaque in time for the end of the school year. At our final assembly, the Headmaster awarded certificates to our Junior Ambassadors. There will be a formal event in the new school…
German Exchange
37 Wellington pupils and their German partners took part in a language and cultural exchange in November and March. In late November, the UK pupils travelled to Germany to spend a week with their German friend who came to Scotland in March. The programme involved five days of workshops learning together and having fun. Participants…
Model United Nations
As part of their Europe Day celebrations, Wellington School Junior Ambassadors (JAs) organised a Model UN conference for the Primary 7 classes. As the participants were younger, the JAs decided to have one committee (Human Rights) and to encourage the Delegates to work in pairs or threes. They chose the topic of Child Labour and…
Using Languages in the Workplace
To encourage their peer group to consider how languages can be used in the workplace, Wellington School’s Junior Ambassadors organised a workshop for them. As a starting point, they used short films provided by the British Council where people talk about how they use languages at work. The group watched twelve videos and chose the…
LUX Youth Seminar in Brussels
Junior Ambassadors from Wellington School in Ayr, Scotland, have just attended the LUX Audience Award ceremony with Junior Ambassadors from all 27 EU member states.