Holocaust memorial week newsletter
In looking at Holocaust Memorial day one of our Junior Ambassadors made an article on the Holocaust and the other genocides with an eye on the response of the EU, or EU countries, whilst the genocides were happening or in the aftermath of them. The newsletter highlights the high ideals that the European Union was…
Celebrating spoken languages in Europe
A video made by the children and their teachers about the 26th of September, European day of languages. At least 10 languages apart from Greek-Cypriot and English are spoken by our students and teachers in our school! Watch their video on Facebook:
European Corner / newsletter
Our Junior Ambassadors under the direction of our Senior Ambassadors are organizing, designing and posting at least one page on our monthly newsletter. The section is called ‘European corner’ and it is giving information about different countries of the E.U. The students worked together as a team, did research and proudly presented their work on…
Unveiling Key Facts and Figures about the European Parliament
The European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) has released a comprehensive briefing titled “European Parliament: Facts and Figures”. This document provides a detailed overview of the European Parliament, including its members, structures, activities. It also offers information on the 2024 election. The briefing is packed with insightful graphics and data, offering a snapshot of the Parliament’s…
Strangford Integrated College Infopoint
Students created a European Union Infopoint, with upcoming events and list of Junior Ambassadors.We used the ‘goodies’ sent out from European Parliament.
Prestwick Academy infopoint
We had a training for our Junior Ambassadors during our lunchtime club (I used the presentation about EP from my online training). One of the Junior Ambassadors, Lauchlan McLean, created a presentation post training which is used for display in Modern Language corridor and was put on big displays around the school. Well done!! Here…
EPAS infopoint
Carmel College’s junior ambassadors launched their InfoPoint display for this year to encourage all students at the college to get involved in the EPAS scheme.
Ambassador Schools InfoPoint on school website
We have now set up an online InfoPoint with basic evidence about what we do and links to current areas of interest. Our first project is a survey on the European Commission’s proposal for a UK-EU Youth Mobility Scheme. View our page here:
World Food Day: ‘Bon Appetit’ – World Foods Made in Europe
The college’s European Parliament Ambassador Schools (EPAS) ambassadors constructed an Info point and presentation around world food day, in which they highlighted the diversity of cultures within Europe through their favourite foods – a few of which were ‘traditionally European’. This info point was displayed in the college restaurant and on info screens around the…
Digital Notice Board
A new school year, a new Info Point! This session, Wellington School’s Junior Ambassadors have gone digital. Each month, they will post our upcoming events on the electronic noticeboards which are placed around the school. This month’s post shows the activities which their Junior Ambassadors are involved in.
Information point development
Clevedon Secondary School Junior Ambassadors worked over a 3 day period to produce an information board and information leaflet which outlines their aims and objectives through the EU Ambassador Schools programme. This was used in their launch event and is now displayed in the Humanities Faculty where it will be updated regularly to highlight their…
Digital EU Info Point
Junior Ambassadors from Alcester Grammar School created a presentation in PowerPoint to share on their digital screens around school. This acts as their Info Point and updates their school community on what the Ambassador Schools team is up to. You can see a sample of what is on it here:
European Elections InfoPoint
Junior Ambassadors from Lytham St Anne’s High School put up slides on the screens in our dining room with information on how to vote in the EU and to acknowledge Europe day. This helps any Europeans in the school can know how to vote once they’re of legal age. As they are in the dining…
collaborative Website & Podcast “Pildoras europeas”
Students from Europa School UK and Instituto Español Vicente Cañada Blanch have jointly created a website where we publish our collaborative projects related to the European Union. Our goal is to collaborate in works related to the European Union, its values, its patrimonial, historical and social richness. The name of the project “European Pills” comes…
European infopoint
Junior Ambassadors from Manchester Hospital School worked collaboratively to create the infopoint as part of our Preparation for Adulthood curriculum. They decided what they wanted to have on the infopoint, where it was going to be and then worked together to create the resources.
European Parliament Ambassador Schools (EPAS) club students from Notting Hill and Ealing High School had to arrange to get a noticeboard as all noticeboards were occupied in the school. They negotiated with the SLT and subject departments to get a notice board freed up. Then they set about filling with information about the EU. It…
Online Info point
Learning communication and publicity skills: Hele’s School’s Junior Ambassadors have two different types of InfoPoint.
International Mother Languages Day Celebration
Students at Mercy College, Belfast, celebrated International Mother Languages Day with quizzes, an international lunch, crafts, and educational displays.