Students discussing

Ambassador Schools Resources

Activity guides

These activity guides can be printed off and shared with your EPAS team to help them plan events, share what they are doing, and complete your accreditation.

Do you have an activity guide you would like us to create, drop us an email:

Further resources, ideas, and inspiration

  • Black History Month MFL Activities

    Black History Month MFL Activities

    During Black History Month, our pupils are learning about notable Black figures from French- and Spanish-speaking countries in their Languages lessons, allowing them to practise their language skills, discover new personalities and enrich their cultural knowledge. Where possible, this was delivered in the target language with scaffolding put in place to support comprehension. These activities…


  • Debating activities

    Debating activities

    Over the last two weeks, our new Junior Ambassadors at Carmel College have been introduced to the European Parliament Ambassador Schools (EPAS) programme. As part of this, we have organised two debates to take part in. Our first debate was on the subject of the environment and whether it is right for new houses to…


  • Celebration of 2023-24 Ambassadors

    Celebration of 2023-24 Ambassadors

    On October 3rd, 2024, certificates were presented to those students who had taken part in the college’s European Parliament Ambassador School (EPAS) programme last academic year. The Ambassador Schools programme aims to improve students’ knowledge and understanding of the role of the EU. Our Junior Ambassadors organised a range of events throughout the year such…


  • EPAS Sakharov Event Invitation

    EPAS Sakharov Event Invitation

    We are pleased to invite you to the EPAS Sakharov Event on Wednesday 18 December at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. The event will gather EPAS teachers and students from across the EU and the UK to explore topics such as human rights, European institutions, youth engagement, and disinformation. Attendees will have the chance to witness…




    Subsidised educational trip to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France The Euroscola programme in Strasbourg offers students (14 years and older) from across the EU, applicant countries, and former Member States a chance to experience European parliamentary democracy. Students role-play as Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), debating, negotiating, voting, and adopting resolutions on key…


  • Peace through Languages

    Peace through Languages

    This year here at Prestwick Academy we celebrated European Day of Languages with a bang – our International Club – the Captains and Junior Ambassadors helped a lot on the day. Inspirational quotes about the importance of languages were posted every day into school’s daily bulletin and face painting was done by International Captains during…


  • Online Senior Ambassador CPD

    Online Senior Ambassador CPD

    For those who were not able to join us for our live Senior Ambassador CPD in September, we are putting on a version that anyone can join online. All schools attending will be sent a bag of Ambassador Schools goodies: badges, flags, etc. Full details Format This training will take place through three short Teams…


  • EDoL: Celtic connections from Oaklea Grange

    EDoL: Celtic connections from Oaklea Grange

    Today, at Oaklea Grange, we held a school assembly all about the European Day of Languages. We learnt all about the wide variety of languages across Europe, their heritage, and compared that to the languages in our own country. We spoke about promoting the learning of another language and pupils had a go at speaking…


  • European Day of Languages

    European Day of Languages

    During the week of European Day of Languages Manchester Hospital School got the whole school from EYFS to post-16 involved in language learning through a mixture of assemblies, encouraging pupils to complete the British Council Great Languages Challenge and teaching pupils how to count to five in a range of European and non-European languages. Each…