First UK EPAS Meetup

As with so many things, covid messed up the launch of the European Parliament Ambassador Schools programme in the UK. So until now all of our meetings have been online. Finally though, we have been able to bring together Junior and Senior Ambassadors from four of our EPAS schools, to share what they’ve been doing, learn from one another and plan some activities for next year.

Devonport High School for Girls and The Cherwell School were presented their 2020-21 plaques by Susanne Oberhauser, head of the EPLO in the UK.
Students from all four schools presented their projects and achievements from 2021-22.
Schools from Plymouth, Oxford, London and Manchester all met at Europe House in London.
Considering his next question to Lord Kirkhope.
Enjoying hearing about EPAS in other schools.
Working with other schools to plan events for next year.
Students from Loreto High School Chorlton learning about different EU member states.
Students working with a teacher from another EPAS school.
Guests of honour, Lord Timothy Kirkhope, former MEP, MP and current member of the House of Lords, and Susanne Oberhauser, Head of the EPLO in the UK.

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