Gaining accreditation

The primary focus of EPAS is increasing young people’s leadership and democratic engagement; where this happens, the European Parliament accredits students, staff and institutions as European Parliament Ambassadors.

In our final training for Senior Ambassadors, we looked at how the accreditation and assessment process works and heard from Channing School about how they gained accreditation last year.

Providing evidence

We try to keep the evidence gathering as light-touch as possible. We just ask that schools/colleges document what they do – in whichever way they are comfortable with – and share this on their website and social media.

Log in to your dashboard and point us to your post and we check them and provide feedback.

What are we looking for?


There are 9 things that you are required to do for EPAS accreditation, each of which is listed on your dashboard:

The EPAS dashboard
The EPAS dashboard
  1. Create an EPAS page on your website
  2. Create EPAS social media channel (1)
  3. Create EPAS social media channel (2)
  4. Set up an EU/European Parliament InfoPoint
  5. Use European Parliament teaching materials
  6. Junior Ambassadors run an event (1)
  7. Junior Ambassadors run an event (2)
  8. Do something to recognise Europe Day (9th May)
  9. Share information about European Parliament elections (when applicable)

Towards the end of the year we will also ask you to share an online survey with your school/college community to see what impact your EPAS activities have had on them.


What we are looking for within your evidence is that you are:

  • Providing opportunities for student leadership – where possible activities should be planned and run by Junior Ambassadors
  • Increasing understanding of European culture, politics and democracy
  • Promoting democratic engagement

Not all activities will do all of these, but each should do at least one and over the course of the year, all should be covered.

Accreditation benefits

  • Recognition from the European Parliament
  • Plaque for your school/college
  • Logo to use on website and letterhead
  • Certificates for Senior Ambassadors (staff)
  • Certificates for Junior Ambassadors (students)
  • Opportunities for training in Brussels and Strasbourg for Senior Ambassadors
  • Additional access to EuroScola online and in Brussels and Strasbourg
  • Additional opportunities from the European Parliament Liaison Office

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