These are the ideas for events to meet the EPAS criteria that came from our kick-off event last week.
Europe Day
- Language Day: have a game for students where there will be native speakers around the school with a pin on their shirt (of the language they speak) and students need to find them and say a phrase in their language.
- FOOD!!! Change the canteen food for a day week to different European meals
- Eurovision music event
- Assemblies
- Speakers
- All subjects must try to find a European focus/link to their lessons for the day
- Invite JAs to lead activities on EU for Global Politics (A-Level)
- Invite former MEP to deliver talk
- Lessons on fake news – how to spot misinformation
- Collaborate with other schools: Each school represents a European country in a mock debate
- Use our VR technology to organise virtual visits to the European Parliament – JAs to organise public sessions
- Organise ways of participation: how do we express our ideas
- Class meetings on how we should promote European culture
- How Parliament really works: workshop on politics
- A debate about a European question in a language lesson
- School council voting system
- Collaborate with drama to tell European stories
- European Day of Languages: say hello in 3 different languages
- Quiz on Europe in form written by Junior Ambassadors
- Learning from Humanism and Renaissance (link to European history)
- Art: find out about what art there is in different European museums and where it comes from
- National dress day/evening. A fashion show.
- Secret Santa with traditional European gifts
- Learning values from Europe: national and regional celebrations (festivals, etc.)
- Music on load speaker at lunch from different cultural traditions
- Get students to try to find out original or rare information about different countries. Vote on which is the most interesting bit of research
- European cinema sessions (with subtitles)
- Do some research on a different country and present about how your life would be if you lived there
- Teaching a lesson (or a bit of one)
- Info display board with QR codes
- Guest speakers
- How to really listen to other people: listening skills
- European Karaoke
- Eurovision contest
- Organise an event
- Assess how your event went
- How can I explain to others the influences of politics on ‘real life’
- Pupils design logos for Europe Day and other events
- Pupils sharing OWN expereinces of European culture on noticeboards and in assemblies
- Create small voting meetings and have speeches. Let staff and students vote for the best leader fo the month
Info Point
- Use Twitter as a source:
- Links to European Parliament activity: what do politicians do?
- Highlight why Europe is still important
- What do people have for breakfast in other European countries – use links with EU schools
- Sharing interests with projects in Europe