Running an EU intro session for your school

One of our European Parliament Ambassador Schools, Channing School, asked me to help with a session that their Junior Ambassadors could run for their peers and younger students at their school.

I wrote up the session that I had run for them last year. Other EPAS members may also find this useful.

The aim of the session is to get students thinking about what the EU really is: introducing them to some of its values, figures and facts.

Session outline and resources

View and download the session write-up in Google Docs or download it as a PDF below.

The presentation is run through Ahaslides, so can be done interactively with a class in-person or online. To use the presentation you can make a copy here:

Let me know if you want to talk through the session before you run it.

This session is based on an idea from one of our expert EU trainers, Claire Brind. If you would like to book an session run by Claire, you can do so here: