Heidi and Violet, two Junior Ambassadors from Lytham St Anne’s Schoool, have assembled a presentation based on past holocaust survivor stories with the focus of recognising how each of their stories link with human right issues.
This will be used as an assembly for all year groups this week. They took the time to highlight how we can generally improve for a better future, as it is the main theme of this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day.
They also have an art gallery inspired event planned where some students have been chosen to draw portraits of the holocaust victims linked below as we believe it is important to convey their stories, empathise and learn from their experiences to become educated individuals moving forward.
At the end of each school day this week, years 7, 8, and 9 will be receiving 10 minute knowledge retrieval questions to see what they have remembered from the assemblies.

Learn more about Holocaust Memorial Day: https://hmd.org.uk/
Image Source: Children who survived the Holocaust. By Alexander Voronzow, Soviet Army (First Ukrainian Front) / Belarusian State Archive of Documentary Film and Photography. (Public domain).