Starting the new school year
With the new term underway, clubs and societies are back in full swing. Our European Parliament in the UK group is excited about the year ahead. At our first meeting, the Wellington pupils representing the UK at Euroscola in October watched a short video about Euroscola. This gave them an overall impression of the European…
Clyst Vale Euros 2024
The event echoes the structure of the Euros 2024 Championships and allowed teams across all 3 school houses and all 4 lower years (7, 8, 9 & 10 – Y11 have finished) currently in school to be involved in an inclusive, respectful football competition. This event was organised by Mr Adam Pearce, a PE teacher…
UK General Election Hustings
Junior Ambassadors from Queen Elizabeth’s School, Crediton, ran a general election hustings event for the forthcoming UK general election. It was primarily a UK-focussed event, though students also noted the trends from the recent European and French elections, which served to demonstrate the importance of voting.
European Elections Library stand and treasure hunt
European Parliament Junior Ambassadors were inspired to have a go at doing a treasure hunt in celebration of the European Elections. We got the Library involved by having a stand with books relating to European History and democracy highlighted with an election themed treasure hunt around the school. We printed posters from this website…
Assembly presentation to S5 pupils
Junior Ambassadors from Clevedon Secondary School prepared a presentation and delivered this to their new Secondary 5 pupils. This was to raise awareness of the Ambassador Schools programme and to give pupils the chance to ask questions about the programme. Finally pupils were encouraged to take part in our activities and to get in touch…
German Exchange
37 Wellington pupils and their German partners took part in a language and cultural exchange in November and March. In late November, the UK pupils travelled to Germany to spend a week with their German friend who came to Scotland in March. The programme involved five days of workshops learning together and having fun. Participants…
Model United Nations
As part of their Europe Day celebrations, Wellington School Junior Ambassadors (JAs) organised a Model UN conference for the Primary 7 classes. As the participants were younger, the JAs decided to have one committee (Human Rights) and to encourage the Delegates to work in pairs or threes. They chose the topic of Child Labour and…
Information point development
Clevedon Secondary School Junior Ambassadors worked over a 3 day period to produce an information board and information leaflet which outlines their aims and objectives through the EU Ambassador Schools programme. This was used in their launch event and is now displayed in the Humanities Faculty where it will be updated regularly to highlight their…
Using Languages in the Workplace
To encourage their peer group to consider how languages can be used in the workplace, Wellington School’s Junior Ambassadors organised a workshop for them. As a starting point, they used short films provided by the British Council where people talk about how they use languages at work. The group watched twelve videos and chose the…
Student-led Europe Day assembly
Pupils at Manchester Hospital School’s Galaxy House Tier 4 CAMHS unit used their European Parliament Ambassador Schools Preparation for Adulthood time to collaboratively design an assembly to be delivered to mark Europe Day. The assembly shared various aspects of culture from different EU countries and was rounded off with a quiz. It was delivered virtually…
Europe Day Celebrations
Thursday 9th May was Europe day and we ambassadors of the NHEHS EPAS club were keen to celebrate the day with a range of activities and to top the week off with a ‘wear colours of a European flag’ day. Many students showed a lot of interest in the role that Europe has had in…
Europe Day Quiz
As part of our celebration of Europe Day, Junior Ambassadors at Carmel College took part in a quiz about the European Union and the European Parliament. There was also a bonus round about all things European – food, culture, destinations and – of course – Eurovision!
Digital EU Info Point
Junior Ambassadors from Alcester Grammar School created a presentation in PowerPoint to share on their digital screens around school. This acts as their Info Point and updates their school community on what the Ambassador Schools team is up to. You can see a sample of what is on it here:
European Elections InfoPoint
Junior Ambassadors from Lytham St Anne’s High School put up slides on the screens in our dining room with information on how to vote in the EU and to acknowledge Europe day. This helps any Europeans in the school can know how to vote once they’re of legal age. As they are in the dining…
collaborative Website & Podcast “Pildoras europeas”
Students from Europa School UK and Instituto Español Vicente Cañada Blanch have jointly created a website where we publish our collaborative projects related to the European Union. Our goal is to collaborate in works related to the European Union, its values, its patrimonial, historical and social richness. The name of the project “European Pills” comes…
The EU and Negotiating our ongoing relationship
On Tuesday, 30th of April, we had the chance to receive a guest from Europe House, Asher Jacobsberg, who went through a presentation about the European Parliament. He explained to us how it worked in terms of committees it was separated into, who focused on specific issues in the EU. This was really interesting because…
LUX Youth Seminar in Brussels
Junior Ambassadors from Wellington School in Ayr, Scotland, have just attended the LUX Audience Award ceremony with Junior Ambassadors from all 27 EU member states.
Euroscola event: Rights of Women
We took part in a live event discussing the rights of Women across Europe. We were able to listen and speak to a variety of MEP’s and other schools within the EU. We asked the question, ‘Why is there such a large gender pay gap and what are the EP doing to address this?’ We…